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Brand ambassadors

Ariel Johnson

Commercial Pilot/CFII


How did you get into aviation?
My uncle has been a pilot for 20+yrs. I began flying with him as a child and instantly got bitten by the bug. His passion and appreciation for aviation inspired me to begin flying and to this day is one of my main motivations.

What rating are you currently working on?
I am currently in the last week of training for my CFI and can’t wait to start sharing my passion for aviation with my students!

What’s on your aviation bucket list?

The two big items on my aviation bucket list are a cross-country flight (NC to CA) & a trip to St. Barts. Both of which I want to do in my ’65 Piper Cherokee.

Outside of aviation, what do you do for fun?
Outside of aviation, I love all things outdoors: Water sports, snow skiing, hiking etc.



Emily Daniel

Commercial ASEL/AMEL Instrument, CFII


How did you get into aviation?
As a third generation pilot, I was very fortunate to get into aviation at a young age. My grandfather was a pilot and taught his children to fly, one of them being my dad. As the youngest of three children, I saw my older brothers start taking flying lessons and decided that I did not want to be left out! When I was around 13 or 14, I took my first flight lesson. From that moment on, I was absolutely hooked. What started as something of a sibling competition turned into a passion for flying and an unexpected career that I am extremely grateful for. 

What rating are you currently working on?
I hold a commercial ASEL and AMEL certificate with an instrument rating. I also hold a CFII certificate. I am not actively working on any ratings but in the future I would like to obtain my seaplane rating, and have been debating on whether or not I want to pursue my MEI.

What’s on your aviation bucket list?
There are so many things on my aviation bucket list! I would really like to get my seaplane rating and I am interested in pursuing my A&P someday if time allows. I also really enjoy warbirds, my dream planes to fly someday would be a Corsair, P-51, and a Beech 18. I have learned in aviation to expect the unexpected, so I am always on board for a new adventure to add to the list. 

Outside of aviation, what do you do for fun?
Outside of aviation I enjoy spending time with friends, family, and my pets. My husband and I also farm cranberries, which keeps us pretty busy when we aren't flying. I also really enjoy ski trips in the winter, beach trips in the summer, and have recently gotten into freediving and spearfishing. I have a lot to learn, but it's been an enjoyable and challenging activity to begin. 



Savanna Benton

Private Pilot Instrument


How did you get into aviation?
I got into aviation at my great grandmother's 100th birthday party. My uncle took me on my first flight that day when I was 12 years old to Kitty Hawk, NC (where the Wright Brothers took their first flight). I was too young to really get into flying at the time, but I knew I wanted to be a pilot that day. When I was 16, I fully committed to flight training and knew this was the perfect career for me. I have been flying for about a year now and am now one of the youngest instrument rated pilots in the country at 17.

What rating are you currently working on?
I am currently working on my commercial license so that I can take my check ride when I turn 18 and become a CFI by the end of this year.

What’s on your aviation bucket list?
I'd love to get my commercial seaplane license and taildragger endorsement. The other thing on my bucket list would be to fly my family to the Bahamas or the Caribbean one day soon for vacay.

Outside of aviation, what do you do for fun?
I love to jetski, snow ski, and travel with my family.



Liam Henning

Private Pilot Instrument

How did you get into aviation?
My Dad as an Airline Pilot has been a big influence in my passion for flight. From going out to the Small local GA airport, or Taking a tour of the American Airlines Pilot Lounge at DFW. I knew this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

What rating are you currently working on?
I am currently working on my commercial rating.

What’s on your aviation bucket list?
To one day fly right seat with my dad at American Airlines.

Outside of aviation, what do you do for fun?
I love to workout, hangout with friends, and play video games.



Cornell Odom



How did you get into aviation?
I got into aviation when I first got a Super Nintendo game (U.N. Squadron) back in 1993. I remember the day vividly. The intro music, the sounds just the whole intro had me hooked. I also lived under the approach end of LAX at that time. I got a few other games but that one game was instantly my favorite.

What rating are you currently working on?
I’m currently sitting with a CFI certificate and a CMEL cert as well. I’m going to be pushing for my CFII soon.

What’s on your aviation bucket list?
My aviation bucket list is for me to do a scenic flight while watching a rocket launch. And To fly a fighter or attack jet. Or at least some sort of tandem seat aircraft with swept wings, speed brakes and a turbine engine. (Will settle for an A29 Super Tucano or any of its variants)

Outside of aviation, what do you do for fun?
Outside of aviation I do BJJ, lift weights because I’m a man, I’m heavily into cars and working on machinery. I also like to camp, hike and fish. I love nature and plants too.



ben o'neal

Private Pilot Seaplane


How did you get into aviation?
My dad was a career pilot, bought an airplane and taught me how to fly it.

What rating are you currently working on?
Working on my commercial land/sea and CFI

What’s on your aviation bucket list?
Fly in Alaska

Outside of aviation, what do you do for fun?
Flying is a full time hobby




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